
Arek’s contact details are:


M: +61 417 928 938


3 Responses to Contact

  1. Hi Arek
    I appreciate your reply, and thank you for inquiring about my music.

    Keeping climate change in the forefront is the fundamental issue that affects quality of life at every level, and the push back by the fossil fuel -chemical industry/special interest groups who have bought our American politicians and running PR campaigns to keep people in denial, are dead set on making it difficult to move forward as quickly as we need to and to convince people of the urgency!

    Regarding music, I’m self employed as a singer-songwriter-performer and music teacher. My husband and I run a small music school and independent recording label. We specialize in writing-recording American pop styles. According to royalty reporting data, my songs get a good bit of airplay in Europe. We perform primarily at festivals and special concert events and incorporate a message of sustainability and environmental stewardship. Our business and home is carbon free (wind, solar powered, which we continue to work on to make more and more efficient). We drive only electric vehicles, and have divested all retirement investments out of big oil and into all sustainable enterprises.

    If interested in listening to a sample and more info:

    I’m also a classically trained pianist who loves playing and listening to classical music.

    Thanks again, Arek!
    Kind regards,

  2. Dear Arek
    I read your profile on linkedin after seeing you had viewed my profile, probably because of my interest in renewable energy. I’m so glad I found your site and can’t wait to read through all the wonderful information here. THANK FOR THE IMPORTANT WORK YOU DO IN THE WORLD for our planet and common good of all Life. I admire and am grateful for people like you. I’m just an ordinary musician and singer, I spread awareness the best I can, armored with information, passion and desire to win the tipping point race for changing humanity’s consciousness to create a sustainable world before the tipping point of climate change is irreversible.

    • Hi Debra,

      Thank you so much for your kind words. For some reason I wasn’t notified of your comment and I found it quite accidentally. Incidentally, music is one of my deep passions. So, I would love to hear about what you do. Regards,


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